Cyclife Sweden has been awarded on May 12th, 2021 a long-term contract for the transport and treatment of 16 steam generators from the German nuclear operator PreussenElektra. These large metallic components will be progressively transported from their operation site in Germany (nuclear power plants of Unterweser, Grafenrheinfeld, Grohnde and Brokdorf) to Sweden to be further processed in the melting facility of Cyclife Sweden. Cyclife Sweden is also in charge of the return transport of secondary waste to Germany, ensuring full compliance with applicable local rules and regulations.
This contract is a big step forward for the Swedish entity since it was acquired by the EDF Group in 2016 and confirms the dynamism of the waste treatment market at the international level, following other long-term contracts recently signed by Cyclife Sweden with nuclear operators in Italy and Sweden.
The treatment of steam generators is the core business of Cyclife Sweden, which has been developing a unique knowledge and process, continuously improved over the years. Cyclife Sweden is honoured to have been chosen by PreussenElektra to perform this key step of the decommissioning process. Cyclife confirms through this contract its strong commitment and involvement to support the German nuclear market with turn-key solutions.
This contract award is following a previous one, officialised in November 2020 by PreussenElektra, to dismantle the same 16 steam generators. Cyclife, with its subcontractor Framatome GmbH, will remove the components from the different reactor buildings and make them fully available for shipment and external treatment. Cyclife Engineering, the subsidiary of Cyclife created in 2019, will be in charge of detailed design studies. By combining this first success in the German decommissioning market to its historical and unique waste treatment capabilities, Cyclife is bringing forward the interest of the “Rip&Ship” model and of the waste-led decommissioning approach to handle large components in the decommissioning phase while securing the overall planning of dismantling operations.
The study phase for decommissioning operations have already started for the first nuclear power plant, located in Unterweser in the north of Germany. The first shipment of steam generators to Sweden is planned for the second quarter of 2023.
These two successes give a clear illustration of the synergies inside the EDF Group to provide our customer PreussenElektra with the best available combination of expertise in the fields of nuclear waste treatment and decommissioning.