Legal information
The website provides information on the company Cyclife.
It is published by Cyclife SAS, a simplified joint stock company:
- with share capital of 59 830 503 euros
- Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 808 537 856
- Intra-community VAT: FR03552081317
The publication director is Estelle Desroches, in her capacity as Managing Director of Cyclife SAS.
To contact the webmaster of the site:
This site was designed by the company Razorfish, located at 57 Boulevard de la Villette, 75010 Paris - France. It is hosted on the servers of the company EDF - DSP, 32 avenue Pablo Picasso, 92000 Nanterre - France.
General terms and conditions of use
This site is subject to French law.
The user acknowledges that he/she has read these General Terms and Conditions of Use and agrees to comply with them. Cyclife reserves the right to amend this notice at any time. The user therefore agrees to consult it on a regular basis.
In the event that you access the Cyclife website from a country other than France, you agree to also comply with applicable local legislation.
Portal contents
The purpose of the Cyclife website is to provide general information about its company and its service offers in the field of dismantling and waste management. The information provided on the site is for information purposes only. Cyclife does not guarantee the completeness or timeliness of the information provided on the site. It does not exempt the user from additional and appropriate analysis. Cyclife cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions, or for the lack of availability of information and services.
Consequently, the user acknowledges that he/she uses this information under his/her sole responsibility. Cyclife cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may result from accessing or using this site, including but not limited to inaccessibility, loss of data, and/or the presence of viruses on the site.
Information technology and civil liberties
Personal data collected via the contact form (name, first name, e-mail address) or as part of the newsletter subscription (e-mail address) are intended for the sole use of Cyclife, which is responsible for their processing and storage for a maximum period of 3 years.
This data is exclusively for internal use by Cyclife. The data thus collected will not be transferred, exchanged or rented to a third party.
In accordance with the provisions of the modified law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedom, the personal data collected on the Cyclife site is subject to a declaration to the CNIL.
In accordance with the aforementioned law, Cyclife reminds you that you have the right to oppose, access, rectify and delete your personal data. You may exercise this right at any time:
- Either by e-mail to the address:
- Or by mail addressed to 33 place des Corolles 92400 Courbevoie - France
Cyclife respects the privacy of every individual who visits our website.
When you visit our site, a cookie may be automatically installed on your browser. This is a small temporary file that takes the form of a string of characters storing information related to personalisation functions that is used to record information relating to user navigation for the sole purpose of improving the quality of our website.
Below is a list of the cookies we use on this website with the option to delete each one.
If you choose to disable cookies on our site, you may not be able to take full advantage of the website.
See “COOKIES” notice.
Intellectual property
This site and the elements reproduced on it are the property of Cyclife or are subject to a right of use or exploitation to the benefit of Cyclife. The brands and logos that appear on the site are registered trademarks. The general structure, software, texts, images, videos, sounds, animations, and more generally all information and content appearing on the site are subject to the legislation protecting copyright.
Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, alone or integrated with other elements, without the express prior written authorisation of Cyclife is strictly forbidden and renders the user liable. If you wish to use any of the contents of the site, you may send an e-mail to the address given in the "Legal Notice" paragraph:
The links set up on the Cyclife website to external websites have been subject to prior and express authorisation.
However, as Cyclife is not the publisher of these sites, it cannot control their content. Consequently, Cyclife cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites, or for the possible collection or transmission of personal data, installation of cookies or any other process for the same purpose, carried out by these sites.
You may not set up a hypertext link to the Cyclife site without the express prior written consent of Cyclife. Requests must be addressed to the site's publication director.
Applicable law
The law applicable to the Cyclife portal is French law. The majority of the content and online services on the Cyclife portal are offered in French and English. In the event of a dispute, the French language shall prevail.