Cyclife is a group specialised in decommissioning nuclear facilities and managing radioactive waste.

Cyclife is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the EDF Group, which supports its customers in their nuclear decommissioning projects and in the management of their radioactive waste, whether from operations or from decommissioning. 

Cyclife is the partner of choice for the design and dismantling of its customers' facilities. Its mission extends from the design phase to the dismantling phase, either directly on site or in its own plants. Cyclife offers an integrated range of industrial and digital solutions.

Our Ambition

We are a leader in the European nuclear decommissioning and radioactive waste treatment market, offering innovative, competitive and customised services. We leverage the expertise, reputation and assets of the EDF Group to meet the needs of our customers. 

Our Raison d'être

"Proposing innovative, integrated solutions for the decommissioning and management of radioactive materials and waste to contribute to the sustainable future of nuclear energy".

Our Commitments

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Being a Socially and Environmentally Responsible Company

Through its activities, Cyclife is committed to making continuous progress in terms of environmental and social responsibility  CSR.

Cyclife is committed to a responsible and sustainable nuclear industry by responding to the challenges of the nuclear dismantling market and the growing demands for a reduction in the volume of radioactive waste, as well as the recycling of materials to preserve storage capacity.  

Our commitments are based on 4 pillars:

  • A central pillar at the heart of our business:  Circular Economy and Innovative Technologies 
  • Three pillars serving our business:
    • Human Development
    • Collective Commitment
    • Environmental Impact

By acting to have a positive impact on the environment, but also on all its stakeholders (employees, service providers, suppliers, local players, etc.), Cyclife is positioning itself as a responsible and benchmark player.

Circular Economy and Innovative Technologies


Cyclife offers solutions combining Circular Economy and Innovative Technologies for a sustainable nuclear sector.

  • We provide practical solutions for managing radioactive waste, with the primary objectives of reducing volumes and recycling materials
  • We are demonstrating our ability to manage the end-of-life cycle of nuclear facilities by offering tried-and-tested, innovative solutions for dismantling operations
  • We promote innovative technological solutions, in particular digital tools to optimise our operations

Developing Human Capital


Cyclife promotes the development of human capital within companies:

  • We develop the skills of our employees
  • We take action to ensure the safety of all employees and partners, by putting health and safety at the heart of every action, applying the principle of shared vigilance and fostering a shared safety culture, because working collectively on behaviour is everyone's business
  • We promote diversity and inclusion within the company
  • We build loyalty among our employees by offering them working conditions that respect their balance and encourage long-term commitment
  • We promote a culture of fairness: alerting people to dangerous situations and preventing accidents, and celebrating good practice

The 10 Vital Rules within the EDF Group


Collective Commitment


Cyclife commits its teams to working together effectively, creating trust and value internally and with our partners.

  • We are committed to acting responsibly and in an exemplary manner towards all our stakeholders: employees, suppliers, customers, partners and subcontractors, in all our countries and at all levels of the company, without exception
  • We strengthen our positive economic, environmental, societal and social contribution
  • We work in partnership with local players to co-construct solutions that respond to local challenges
  • We apply ethics and compliance rules, promoting a culture of integrity and zero tolerance of fraud and corruption
  • We are committed to taking all necessary measures to prevent discrimination, harassment and physical and moral violence
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Cyclife commits its teams to cooperating effectively, creating trust and value internally and with our partners.

Impact environnemental


Cyclife is committed to limiting the environmental impact of its activities

  • We are working to limit our carbon footprint and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions
  • We control our energy consumption
  • We control the production of waste generated by our activities
3-2 Déplié suite Deux - Cyclife s’engage à limiter l’impact environnemental

Limiting our carbon footprint and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions

Our Guiding Principles


Cyclife launched the ‘We Are Cyclife’ project with the aim of uniting all the Group's employees. 

This work has led to the adoption of four principles of action which are our compass and our points of reference. They guide our actions and bring us together. 

We have therefore adopted four  guiding principles that form our compass, our reference points: Take care, Be accountable, Feel pride, Act collectively.

Our Four Guiding Principles


It means being open, acting with respect towards all our stakeholders.

It’s about:  

  • Committing to ensure the day-to-day health and safety of our employees and service providers  
  • Guaranteeing good working conditions
  • Promoting diversity of profiles, know-how and expertise in all our businesses  
  • Looking after our human capital to prepare for the future by developing our skills  
  • Commit to protecting the environment in all our activities
  • Taking care of our production assets

All employees and management are made aware of the issue and trained to adopt a shared vigilance approach.


It means being authentic and transparent with customers, colleagues and partners, sharing expected objectives and aligning actions accordingly.

It’s about:

  • Delivering the expected results, because we know how to prioritise, simplify and decide at the right level  
  • Feeling invested with a mission in our job while maintaining our commitments to all stakeholders (teams, customers, partners)
  • Demonstrate autonomy and dare to innovate

Informal discussions, working groups and events are organised to encourage transparency and exchange between employees.


It means constantly striving for excellence in all our businesses and projects, taking pride in our work, our company and our innovative, useful and varied projects. 

It's about:

  • Reinventing ourselves by drawing on diversity and learning from all our experiences
  • Being open, curious and passionate about creating value, fostering the conditions for innovation and continuous improvement
  • Celebrating success and innovation

81%* of employees are proud to work at Cyclife

*Data from the 2024 internal annual survey

It means listening to all stakeholders, sharing and showing solidarity. It means thinking and acting every day as part of a team, a project and a group. 

It's about:

  • Being one team, working together happily to serve our customers
  • Trusting each other and trusting others  
  • Fostering synergies between teams and entities and sharing know-how and expertise
  • Benefiting from the diversity of our professions and profiles, and from our presence in different countries.

84%* of employees consider that their manager is attentive

*Data from the 2024 internal annual survey