Westinghouse, France
Westinghouse works on EDF nuclear power plants to carry out preventive chemical cleaning of steam generators.
In order to implement the NPGV process, Westinghouse involves an average of 50 people over a period of 3 months and installs 30 containers of equipment spread over 3 areas.
This operation (NPGV) is timed, each day of reactor shutdown is penalizing for EDF.
Each nuclear site has its own particularities, and the staff must show a great deal of adaptability in a minimum of time.
Our proposal
With ViSu, it is possible to train these 50 workers well in advance, well before the equipment arrives on site.
It allows professionals to practice in a safe environment, free from the risks of real situations.
An expert can show the different areas that have been digitised by a 3D scanner (real data) and train the teams in the different gestures that they will have to repeat at the time of the intervention, by integrating 3D models that can be manipulated, and interactive (reading data on a screen for example) in order to reinforce learning.
The agents who work on NPGV arrive on the day of the intervention operational.
Customer benefits
- Staff trained in a real environment beforehand
- Possibility of testing several scenarios beforehand
- Saves time when starting the work because of trained personnel
- Reduced risk of accidents because of known terrain